Python Introduction

Python Introduction – What is Python?

Python is a general-purpose programming language, and it was developed by Guido Van Rossum in the year 1991. Initially, Python was introduced as an alternative to Shell programming and Scripting but later it was developed as a programing language.

Python is an open-source programming language, which means anybody can freely download this software and its source code from to develop programs and make the required changes in the source code to improve and add additional features.

What can Python do?

Python Programming can be used in the different areas of the industry:

Major Applications developed using Python:

  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • Dropbox
  • Yahoo Map
  • Quora
  • Reddit
  • Bit Torrent
  • Netflix
  • Sportify

Features of Python

There are several reasons why Python is gaining popularity in the programming world. Below are some of the important features of Python:

  1. Simple & Easy: Python is very simple programming language with few keywords. When you read or write a Python program, it seems like you are writing or reading English sentences. As it’s English type language, learning this programing is quite easy and simple.
  2. Open Source: This is an open-source language hence, you don’t need to pay for Python software. It’s free to download Python software along with source code.
  3. High Level Language: Python is a high-level computer programming language. It means you don’t need to understand the machine code. You simply use English like words to develop program in Python.
  4. Dynamically Typed: Python is a dynamically typed language it defines the data type of a variable based on the data stored in the variable. If an object name is assigned to the data type of one type, it may later be assigned to the data type of different type.
  5. Portable & Platform Independent: Python generates byte code after compilation. Byte code can run on all operating systems and Hardwares. Python program can also be used on any computer as it yields the same result on any computer in the world.
  6. Multi-Threaded: Python is multi-threaded programming language which allows an application with different tasks to run simultaneously.
  7. Robust: Python is a robust programming language due to Exception Handling and Automatic Memory Management.
    Python programs executes on Python Virtual Machine (PVM) and the role of PVM is to do the automatic memory management.
    When any error occurs at the runtime then exception handling executes some logics and codes before termination of the program.
  8. Procedure and Object Oriented: Python is a procedure oriented and object-oriented programming language. In procedure-oriented programming, programs are developed by creating functions and procedures. But in Object oriented, programs are created by Classes and Objects.
  9. Extensible: Python is an extensible programming language; it means we can define some part of the program in other language like C/C++ or Java and it can be used in the Python program.
  10. Interpreted: Python is an interpreted language. Python converts source code into byte code and then Python Virtual Machine (PVM) converts byte code instruction into machine code to produce results.
  11. Embeddable: Python is also an embeddable programming language because it can be used in other programming languages, e.g., C/C++, Java, etc.

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Flavors of Python

Flavors of Python is simply the different types of Python compilers. There are useful if you want to integrate different programming languages into your Python program. Below are some key distributions of Python.

  1. CPython: it is a standard Python language library downloaded from This distribution includes a compiler developed in C language. You can run C and C++ functions and programs in CPython along with Python code.
  2. Jython: This distribution of Python Language uses a compiler developed in Java to run Python code on Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It is also called JPytyon.
  3. Iron Python: This flavor contains the compiler developed in C# to run the Python program on .NET environment called Common Language Runtime (CLR).
  4. Ruby Python: This distribution of Python language is a bridge between Python interpreters and Ruby. Ruby scripting along with Python program can be run on this flavor.
  5. Anaconda Python: It is an open-source distribution of Python language used in developing Data Science and Machine Learning applications. This handles large-scale data processing, predictive analytics and scientific computing.

Next is Python Getting Started (Upcoming…)


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