Automated Daily Activity Tracker in Excel: No. 1 Premium Tool

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Introduction to Automated Daily Activity Tracker

Keeping track of our daily activities efficiently is crucial for staying organized and meeting deadlines. In today’s fast-paced world, managing our tasks can sometimes be a challenge. However, with the right tools & software, this process can become much simpler and easier to manage.

In this article, we’ll explore a Daily Activity Tracker created in Microsoft Excel using VBA. The Daily Activity Tracker is a user-friendly tool that streamlines task management and provides a comprehensive solution for organizing and tracking different activities.

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Understanding the structure of Automated Daily Activity Tracker

Let’s delve into how this Excel-based tool simplifies the process and aids in managing tasks effectively.

Automated Daily Activity Tracker

Automated Daily Activity Tracker has been designed with three different sheets – “To-Do List“, “Master List” and “Support Data“. Let’s understand the usage of all these sheets.

Sheets in Automated Daily Activity Tracker

‘Support Data’ Sheet

This is the third sheet in the Automated Daily Activity Tracker and is used for internal purpose only. It has a list of months used for the Month dropdown available in the “To-Do List” sheet. The months in list are dynamically adjusted based on the current calendar month, displaying the past month, the current month, and the upcoming 10 months so that drop-down in the “To-Do List” will always have 12 months.

The sheet also has calculation to aggregate the count for ‘Total Task’, ‘Blank’, ‘Not Started’, ‘In Progress’, ‘Deferred’ and ‘Completed’ feeding from the ‘To-Do List’ sheet. It has an additional summary for activities completion covering total % and completed %. All these summaries are utilized in the ‘To-Do List’ sheet to show the details in cards and the progress of the completed activities in task completion % chart.

Support Sheet

‘Master List’ Sheet

This sheet acts as a database for the Automated Daily Activity Tracker. It stores all the activities name with other details such as ‘Due Date’, ‘Task Name’, ‘Priority’, ‘Status’, ‘Deferred Date’, ‘Remarks’, and ‘Key’. Any updates or additions made in the ‘To-Do List’ sheet are stored in the ‘Master List’ for future task tracking and reporting purposes.

Master List sheet in Daily Activity Tracker

‘To-Do List’ Sheet

This sheet is the user interface of the Automated Daily Activity Tracker. Here, end-user performs all the required steps to manage and add new activities. It provides a high-level summary of activities and offers a range of features to manage the task.

At the top portion of the sheet, you’ll find five informative cards displaying the total number of tasks, those not started, tasks in progress, deferred tasks and completed tasks. These cards give you an immediate overview of your task status for the selected date.

Activities Summary in Daily Activity Tracker

Below all these cards, there’s a checkbox that allows user to show or hide pop-up help. user can check or uncheck to show or hide helps.

Help Checkbox in Daily Activity Tracker

Underneath the checkbox, you’ll find a date input field. You can enter a date here to see the activities list available for the entered date or add new activities for the same. To the right of the date input field, a progress chart shows the overall task completion%. You can see at a glance how close you are to meeting your daily task completion goals.

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Adjacent to the progress chart, there’s an ‘Update’ button. This button helps you to add new tasks and save the changes you have made in existing task’s status and other details to the ‘Master List’ sheet.

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Below the date input field and progress chart, you’ll find column headers for your tasks, including column name’s e.g. serial number, task name, priority, status, deferred date, and remarks. As you update the date in the input field, the activities corresponding to that date will appear below these headers. You can also add new activities for the selected date, and these will be automatically added or updated when you click the ‘Update’ button.

Task List in Daily Activity Tracker

On the left side of the Activities List table, two calendars display the date of selected month and the previous month. The month name available at the top of the first calendar header is actually a drop-down menu that allows you to select the desired month and change the date of both the calendars. When you select a month from the drop-down, the first calendar displays that month, while the second calendar shows the previous month.

Calendars in Daily Activity Tracker

Above the first calendar, there’s an additional checkbox labeled ‘Use Calendar to Select the Date’. When this checkbox is checked, both calendar’s date become clickable. You can click on any date in both calendars to display the activities for that date. If you uncheck this box, you won’t be able to select dates from the calendar on click event and you’ll have to enter the date directly in the ‘Activities Date’ input cell (L8).

Checkbox to make Calendar clickable in Daily Activity Tracker

Using the Automated Daily Activity Tracker

Selecting the Month: In the ‘To-Do List’ sheet, choose the desired month from the dropdown available above the first Calendar.

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Navigating calendars: The first calendar shows the selected month’s dates, while the second calendar displays the previous month’s dates. If the ‘Use Calendar to Select the Date’ checkbox is selected, both calendars become clickable. Clicking on any date displays related activities from the ‘Master List’ for that specific date in the activities list.

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Entering data directly: Alternatively, if the clickable feature isn’t preferred in both the calendars then users can uncheck the ‘Use Calendar to Select the Date’ checkbox and can directly enter the date in the ‘Activities Date’ input cell (L8). Once you enter the date, the tool will get confirmation whether you want to switch the date and post confirmation from you, it saves all the changes of current activities in the Master List and shows the task details of the selected date.

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Managing Activities: Once activities are displayed, users can change priority, status, defer tasks to a different date and add remarks to the available tasks. If no activities exist or new ones need adding, simply enter the details into the table and save using the ‘Update’ button. This will save all the changes made in the task and all the new tasks to the Master List sheet and then refresh the Activities list and show only those tasks where statuses are ‘Not Started’, ‘In Progress’, or ‘Blank’ for the selected date.

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By leveraging this Automated Daily Activity Tracker, you can efficiently manage your tasks.

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