Easy-To-Follow: Create a Fully Automated Data Entry Userform in Excel and VBA in 5 Easy Steps

Fully Automated Data Entry UserForm in Excel using VBA: A Comprehensive Guide

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Introduction to Fully Automated Data Entry Userform

MS Excel is a widely used application for data entry and data analysis job in the business world. However, manual data entry can be time-consuming and error prone. Data entry forms provide a convenient and efficient solution to these issues. Automated data entry forms are especially useful in eliminating human error and saving time. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of creating a fully automated data entry form in Excel using VBA.

Note: Our YouTube channel, @TheDataLabs, has step-by-step video tutorials for a Data Entry User Form. The tutorials are divided into five parts that cover all the essential features, explanations, and VBA codes needed.

Topics covered in this tutorial ‘fully automated data entry userform’

This tutorial is the first part of a series that will cover the necessary steps for creating an automated data entry form using Excel and VBA. Throughout this section, you will learn how to:

  • Create a new Excel file that includes two worksheets named ‘Home’ and ‘Database.’
  • Set up a Database table with the required headers in the ‘Database’ sheet.
  • Add a Launch Button to the ‘Home’ sheet.
  • Insert a UserForm and Module in the VBA Window.
  • Create the necessary Sub Routines and Functions to submit the data and reset the UserForm.
  • Assign the Macro to the Launch Form button on the ‘Home’ sheet.

Prerequisites for Automated Data Entry Form in Excel using VBA

To get the most out of this tutorial, it is suggested that you have a fundamental understanding of Excel operations like worksheets, cells, and ranges, as well as some basic knowledge of the VBA programming language.

If you face any challenges during the process or need assistance with your current project, please leave your comments. Our team will review your feedback and queries and provide a suitable response.

Step-by-step guide – How to Create a Data Entry Form in Excel?

Preparing Worksheet and Database Table

  • Open a new Excel file and save it with the macro-enabled extension ‘.xlsm‘. Name the file ‘Fully Automated Data Entry Form’.
Save Fully Automated Data Entry Form
Saving Excel file with macro enabled extension
  • Insert two worksheets and rename them to ‘Home’ and ‘Database’.
Insert Sheets to Fully Automated Data Entry Form
Insert Sheets and Rename
  • In the ‘Database’ sheet, create a table consisting of 9 columns titled as ‘S.No.’, ‘Employee ID’, ‘Employee Name’, ‘Gender’, ‘Department’, ‘City’, ‘Country’, ‘Submitted By’, and ‘Submitted On’. This table will serve as a storage space for data entered through the data entry form.
Create Columns in Database Sheet in Fully Automated Data Entry Form
Create column headers in the Database sheet
  • Insert a rectangle shape on the ‘Home’ sheet and add the caption ‘Launch Form.’ This rectangle will function as a button to open the data entry form on the click event. Later, a macro will be assigned to it after completing the VBA code.
Create Launch Form in Home Sheet of Fully Automated Data Entry Form
Insert a rectangle shape in Home Sheet

Opening Visual Basic Editor Window to Design the Form and Write Code for fully automated data entry userform

  • To begin creating the UserForm and writing VBA code, click on the Developer Tab and select the Visual Basic button located in the code group. Alternatively, use the shortcut key ALT + F11 to launch the Visual Basic Application code.
Open VBA Window in Fully Automated Data Entry Form
Developer Tab to Open the VBA
  • In the Visual Basic Application window, add a UserForm and Module to create the User Interface of the data entry form and write the essential VBA code, including Sub Routines and Functions.
Insert User Form in Fully Automated Data Entry Form
Insert UserForm in VBA
Insert Module in Fully Automated Data Entry Form
Insert Module in VBA
Designing the UserForm
  • The UserForm needs to be designed with two sections: “Enter Details” and “Database.” In the “Enter Details” section, we will include several input controls, such as an entry text box for Employee ID and Name, option buttons for Gender (male and female), a Combobox for the department, and text boxes for City and Country. We will also add a Submit button to submit the data and a Reset button to clear the input fields.
    In the “Database” section, we will add a list box to display all the data submitted through the data entry form. This list box will be linked to the “Database” sheet.
Design User Form in Fully Automated Data Entry Form
Designing User Form
Writing Subroutines and VBA code
  • Proceed to the module window and start writing the required VBA codes. Here, we will add three separate subroutines: ‘Reset’, ‘Submit’, and ‘Show_Form’ to manage the essential functions of the first part.
Write VBA code in Module window in Fully Automated Data Entry Form
Module window to write VBA code
Reset Subroutine
  • Paste the ‘Reset()’ subroutine provided below into the Module window. This subroutine will enable the resetting of the form upon clicking the Reset button or initializing the User Form.
Sub Reset()

Dim iRow As Long

iRow = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets("Database").Range("A:A")) ' identifying the last row

With frmForm

    .txtID.Value = ""
    .txtName.Value = ""
    .optMale.Value = False
    .optFemale.Value = False


    .cmbDepartment.AddItem "HR"
    .cmbDepartment.AddItem "Operation"
    .cmbDepartment.AddItem "Training"
    .cmbDepartment.AddItem "Quality"

    .txtCity.Value = ""
    .txtCountry.Value = ""

    .lstDatabase.ColumnCount = 9
    .lstDatabase.ColumnHeads = True

    .lstDatabase.ColumnWidths = "30,60,75,40,60,45,55,70,70"

    If iRow > 1 Then

        .lstDatabase.RowSource = "Database!A2:I" & iRow

        .lstDatabase.RowSource = "Database!A2:I2"

    End If

End With

End Sub
Understanding the VBA Code of Reset Subroutine

The “Reset” subroutine is used to reset the data entry form when the user wants to start over. It starts by declaring a variable named “iRow” of the “Long” data type, which is determined by using the “COUNTA” function. This function counts the number of non-blank cells in column A of the “Database” sheet and gives us the index of the last row with data in the sheet.

The subroutine then updates the values of various controls on the data entry form using a “With…End With” block. The values of the “Emp ID”, “Emp Name”, “Gender”, “City”, and “Country” textboxes are reset to blank or default values. The “Department” combo box options are also reset to default values, which are “HR”, “Operation”, “Training”, and “Quality”.

The subroutine also sets the properties of the “lstDatabase” list box control to configure its appearance. The “ColumnCount”, “ColumnHeads”, and “ColumnWidths” properties are set to display the appropriate number of columns, column headers, and column widths, respectively. Depending on whether there are existing records in the “Database” sheet or not, the “RowSource” property of the list box is set to display either all records in the sheet or just the headers.
Overall, the “Reset” subroutine sets the form back to its initial state so that the user can enter new data.

Submit Subroutine
  • Use the “Submit()” subroutine provided below to submit the data from the User Form to the Database sheet. Simply copy the code and paste it into the module window. This subroutine will handle the process of submitting data.
Sub Submit()

Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim iRow As Long

Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Database")

iRow = [Counta(Database!A:A)] + 1

With sh

    .Cells(iRow, 1) = iRow - 1

    .Cells(iRow, 2) = frmForm.txtID.Value

    .Cells(iRow, 3) = frmForm.txtName.Value

    .Cells(iRow, 4) = IIf(frmForm.optFemale.Value = True, "Female", "Male")

    .Cells(iRow, 5) = frmForm.cmbDepartment.Value

    .Cells(iRow, 6) = frmForm.txtCity.Value

    .Cells(iRow, 7) = frmForm.txtCountry.Value

    .Cells(iRow, 8) = Application.UserName

    .Cells(iRow, 9) = [Text(Now(), "DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS")]

End With

End Sub
Understanding the VBA Code of Submit Subroutine

This code is used to submit data from a user form to a worksheet named “Database”.

First, the code declares a variable “sh” as a worksheet object and assigns it to the “Database” sheet of the workbook. The code then uses the COUNTA function to determine the index of the next empty row in column A and assigns it to the variable “iRow”.

The “With…End With” block is used to set the values of various cells in the “Database” sheet. The values of the cells in columns 1 through 9 are set to the values of various controls on the user form, such as “Emp ID”, “Emp Name”, “Gender”, “Department”, “City”, and “Country”.

The code also sets the username and current date/time in columns 8 and 9, respectively. Finally, the code submits the data to the next empty row in the “Database” sheet.

Show_Form Subroutine
  • Add the “Show_Form” subroutine to the module window by copying and pasting the code. This subroutine is responsible for showing the UserForm when it is called. To open the UserForm, you can assign this subroutine to the Launch Form button on the home sheet.
Sub Show_Form()
End Sub
Call Reset and Submit subroutines on Click and Initialize events
  • In the code window of User Form, call the ‘Reset’ subroutine on the Initialize event of UserForm. Use the VBA code as mentioned below.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

    Call Reset

End Sub

Explanation of code: This VBA code is used to automatically reset the user form when it is loaded into memory. The code is triggered by the “Initialize” event of the user form and calls the “Reset” subroutine.

  • In the User Form code window, call the ‘Reset’ subroutine on the click event of the ‘cmdReset’ button. Use the VBA code as mentioned below.
Private Sub cmdReset_Click()
    Dim msgValue As VbMsgBoxResult
    msgValue = MsgBox("Do you want to reset the form?", vbYesNo + vbInformation, "Confirmation")
    If msgValue = vbNo Then Exit Sub
    Call Reset
End Sub

Explanation of code: This VBA code is for the button named “cmdReset”. When clicked, it displays a message box asking the user for confirmation to reset the form. If the user selects “No”, then the code exits. If the user selects “Yes”, then it calls the “Reset” subroutine to reset the form.

  • Keep your cursor in the code window of User Form, call the ‘Submit’ and ‘Reset’ subroutines on the click event of the ‘cmdSave’ button. Please check the below codes.
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
    Dim msgValue As VbMsgBoxResult
    msgValue = MsgBox("Do you want to save the data?", vbYesNo + vbInformation, "Confirmation")
    If msgValue = vbNo Then Exit Sub
    Call Submit
    Call Reset
End Sub

Explanation of the code: This VBA code is executed when the user clicks the Save button on the UserForm. It displays a message box asking the user to confirm whether they want to save the data or not. If the user clicks “No”, the code exits the subroutine. If the user clicks “Yes”, the code calls the “Submit” subroutine to save the data to the worksheet and then calls the “Reset” subroutine to clear the UserForm for the next entry.  

Assign macro on Launch Form button in Home sheet

  • Move to the Excel window and assign the ‘Show_Form’ subroutine on the Launch Form button available on the ‘Home’ sheet by right-clicking on the ‘Launch Form’ button and selecting Assign Macro. In the Assign Macro window, select the ‘Show_Form’ subroutine and click on ‘Okay’ button.
Assign Macro on Launch Form Button in Home Sheet in Fully Automated Data Entry Form 1
Opening Assign Macro Window
Assign Macro on Launch Form Button in Home Sheet in Fully Automated Data Entry Form 2
Select the Show_Form Subroutine

You have now completed the first part of creating a Fully Automated Data Entry form.

Download the Excel file with VBA code

Click on below button to download the Excel file with source code (Part 1 with Add features only of how to create a data entry form in Excel). It is completely free!

Download e1574918596847

Next parts of Fully automated data entry userform tutorial (2 to 5)

The upcoming sections of this tutorial how to create a data entry form in Excel (2-5) will cover the following features:


  1. Dear Sir,
    Am stuck on the part 3 where am having an error mgs and my search is not working.

    iDatabaseRow = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(“Database”).Range(“A” & Application.Rows.Count).End(x1Up).Row

    I have added some some fields more and am still trying to have the search filter to work.



    • Hello Jean,

      You have used 1 in place of L (XLUP) in your code. The correct code is as mentioned below.

      iDatabaseRow = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(“Database”).Range(“A” & Application.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

  2. Its a wonderful tutorial.

    Based on this tutorial, I made an entry user form with textbox for entry value in currency. I would like to format textbox entry with thousand separator.

    I made syntax as follow:

    Sub FormatPrice()
    Dim sPrice As Double
    sPrice = frmpForm.txtpPrice.Value
    frmpForm.txtpPrice.Value = format(sPrice, “#,##0”)
    End Sub

    But it did not work.
    Appreciate if you could correct me

    thank you

    • Thanks for your feedback!
      The correct code would be frmpForm.txtpPrice.Value = Format(sPrice, “#,###”)

      If you want to show decimal numbers as well then you need to use IIF function along with Format. Use the below code to show decimal numbers.
      frmpForm.txtpPrice.Value = IIF(Right(Format(sPrice, “#,###.##”),1)=".", Format(sPrice, “#,###”), Format(sPrice, “#,###.##"))

  3. Hi!
    Team The Data Labs thanks for your publishing these kinds of beneficial videos.
    I have sent an email on your provided email ID to regarding the VB work. Please have a look on that and reply accordingly.


  4. hello datalabs,

    i am currently using this tutorial and im very thankful for this. and in return may i point out that there is an error on part 4, when u used the sheet “Print” instead of “Database” for verifying duplicates. and also when i corrected that error, i also noticed that when you edit your data, the duplicate verifier stops you from saving the changes. In solution to that problem i made another save button that does not use the verify sub. Again this is very helpful especial for me that is not that good in programming.

  5. This is really great job,

    Is it possible to keep the data base protected and just keep the filter function working. to filter the data base based on some entries.

    This will be very helpful to me as i utilize it in my maintenance activities Log.

  6. Hello,

    Awesome Demo!

    Error keeps calling out the iColumn:

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Dim shDatabase As Worksheet ‘ Database sheet
    Dim shSearchData As Worksheet ‘SearchData sheet

    Dim iColumn As Integer ‘hold selected column # in Database sheet
    Dim iDatabaseRow As Long ‘Store the last non-blank row # available in Database sheet
    Dim iSearchRow As Long ‘hold the last non-blank row # avaialbe in SearchData sheet

    Dim sColumn As String ‘store column selection
    Dim sValue As String ‘hold search text value

    Set shDatabase = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(“Database”)
    Set shSearchData = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(“SearchData”)

    iDatabaseRow = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(“Database”).Range(“A” & Application.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

    sColumn = frmForm.cmbSearchColumn.Value

    sValue = frmForm.txtSearch.Value

    iColumn = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(sColumn, shDatabase.Range(“C10:AA”), 0) ‘Change, if number of columns change

    If IsError(iColumn) Then
    MsgBox “Yes”
    MsgBox “No”

    End If

    ‘Remove filter from Databse worksheet

    If shDatabase.FilterMode = True Then

    shDatabase.AutoFilterMode = False
    End If

    ‘Apply filter on Database worksheet

    If frmForm.cmbSearchColumn.Value = “Name” Then

    shDatabase.Range(“C10:AA9999” & iDatabaseRow).AutoFilter Field:=iColumn, Criteria1:=sValue ‘Change, if number of columns change

    shDatabase.Range(“C10:AA9999″ & iDatabaseRow).AutoFilter Field:=iColumn, Criteria1:=”*” & sValue & “*” ‘Change, if number of columns change

    End If

    • >>>>>>> iColumn = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(sColumn, shDatabase.Range(“C10:AA”), 0) ‘Change, if number of columns change

  7. This is great, I’ve been learning a lot. I tried duplicating this for another tab/sheet but the code breaks and get differnt errors when changing the reference names of “Database” to something else. How can I change the code to use the code name of the sheet instead so hopefully i can reuse this for a new tab/sheet of my own naming?

    For instance from: iRow = [Counta(Database!A:A)] to iRow = [Counta(Sheet2!A:A)]


    iRow = [Counta(MySheetName!A:A)]


    If iRow > 1 Then

    .lstDatabase.RowSource = “Database!A2:I” & iRow

    .lstDatabase.RowSource = “Database!A2:I2”

    End If


    If iRow > 1 Then

    .lstDatabase.RowSource = “Sheet2!A2:I” & iRow

    .lstDatabase.RowSource = “Sheet2!A2:I2”

    End If


  8. Hi
    Team The Data Labs thanks for your publishing

    I just download a example and i have an error with ColumnWidhths does not match

    Sub Show_Form()


    End Sub

  9. Hi,
    Can you make the same example for entering the data in a table, instead of a defined range. I tried to convert the range in Database sheet to a table, but any new record added is added outside the table.

  10. HI,
    I want help
    I want to know a function in excel which will allow me to understand which dates fall under which week.I am preparing a weekly tracker. Can u please help me

  11. I tried to follow your steps with my own columns but I am receiving an “invalid use of property” message when I try to debt. Can you take look?

    Private Sub list_Click()

    Call reset

    End Sub

    Private Sub reset_Click()

    Dim msgValue As VbMsgBoxResult

    msgValue = MsgBox(“Do you want to reset the form?”, vbYesNo + vbInformation, “Confirmation”)

    If msgValue = vbNo Then Exit Sub

    Call reset
    End Sub

    Private Sub Submit_Click()

    Dim msgValue As VbMsgBoxResult

    msgValue = MsgBox(“Do you want to save the data?”, vbYesNo + vbInformation, “Confirmation”)

    If msgValue = vbNo Then Exit Sub

    Call Submit
    Call reset

    End Sub

    Sub reset()

    Dim iRow As Long

    iRow = [Counta(Database!A:A)] ‘identify the last row

    With ChicaForm

    .txtID.Value = “”
    .txtName.Value = “‘”
    .Option1.Value = False
    .Option2.Value = False

    .txtAddress.Value = “”

    .list.ColumnCount = 4
    .list.ColumnHeads = True

    .list.ColumnWidths = “20,60,20,20”

    If iRow > 1 Then

    .list.RowSource = ” Database!A2:D” & iRow
    .list.RowSource = “Database!A2:D2”

    End If

    End With

    End Sub

    Sub Sumbit()

    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Dim iRow As Long

    Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(“Database”)

    iRow = [Counta(Database!A:A] + 1

    With sh
    .Cells(iRow, 1) = iRow – 1
    .Cells(iRow, 2) = ChicaForm.textName.Value
    .Cells(iRow, 3) = ChicaForm.textAddress.Value
    .Cells(iRow, 4) = ChicaForm.textCode.Value
    .Cells(iRow, 5) = IIf(ChicaForm.Option1.Value = True, “adfadfad”, “12345”)

    End With

    End Sub

    Sub Show_Form()

    End Sub

  12. Good day,

    I just want to ask why I am getting “No Row Selected” whenever I am selecting details to Edit? Any probable mistake in the coding part?

    By the way, your video tutorials are extremely helpful. Thank you very much

  13. Hi,
    wonderful and great job sir.
    I have questions.
    I have 3 sheet database lst1, lst2, lst3.
    I want to make cmbA to choose from which database I want to search from.
    Then after choosing from cmbA, cmbB list will base on cmbA option.
    Then I will type from search value.
    The search value will appear in lst1 or lst2 or lst3 base on cmbA option.
    How can I do this?
    Thanks in advance!

  14. Hi, first of all thank you for this magnificent tutorial. Would like to know whether can we change the fonts or imply any conditional formatting that can change the colors of the rows in Database1? Thank you

  15. Require your help in calendar part. if i select the date 12-jun-2012 it display 06-Dec-12

    Thanks & regards,

    A.K. Kannan

  16. Hi,

    I can get the delete button to work, but I’m getting ‘Run-time error ‘380’: Could not set the Value property. Invalid property value.’ on the Edit button. By the way thanks for the tutorials, it is exactly what I needed!

  17. I am having a problem with editing the combo boxes in my form. I get ‘Run time error ‘380’. Could not set the Value property. Invalid property value.’ when I select edit. If I comment out the combo box code in the edit button it will work but nothing will show for the combo box data to be able to edit. I’ve been through the tutorials multiple times thinking there was something I have missed but I can’t seem to find anything.

  18. Hi, I am trying to change the code so that it inputs the data on the spreadsheet vertically rather than horizontally. can you help please, i am a bit stuck.

  19. Dear Sir,
    I find your tutorials very helpful. It has helped me do some things I never imagine I could do with excel.

    I’m creating a data register and keep on getting ‘run-time error’ with the ‘edit’ button VBA code.

    Below is the code. When I inactivate the codes with the apostrophe, the code well but of-course with out the possibility of editing the sections I’d like to edit.

    Private Sub cmdEdit_PMR_Click()

    If Selected_List = 0 Then
    MsgBox “No Row is Selected.”, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, “Edit”

    Exit Sub

    End If
    ‘Code to update the value to respective controls

    Dim sGender As String
    Dim oOrigin As String
    Dim rConsent As String

    Me.TxtRowNumber_PMR.Value = Selected_List + 1
    Me.TxtDate_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 1)
    Me.TxtTitle_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 2)
    Me.TxtFirstName_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 3)
    Me.TxtMiddle_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 4)
    Me.TxtSurname_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 5)
    Me.TxtDOB_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 6)

    sGender = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 7)
    If sGender = “Female” Then
    Me.OptFemale_PMR.Value = True
    Me.OptMale_PMR.Value = True
    End If

    Me.CmbMaritalStatus_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 8)
    Me.TxtOccupation_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 9)
    Me.TxtCoB_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 10)
    Me.TxtHomeAdd_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 11)
    Me.TxtPostalAdd_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 12)
    Me.TxtWorkPh_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 13)
    Me.TxtMobilePh_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 14)
    Me.TxtEmail_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 15)
    Me.TxtERContName_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 16)
    Me.TxtECRelation_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 17)
    Me.TxtECPh_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 18)

    oOrigin = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 19)
    If oOrigin = “Expat” Then
    Me.OptExpat_PMR.Value = True
    Me.OptPNG_PMR.Value = True
    End If

    Me.CmbPNGRegion_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 20)
    Me.TxtExpatCountry_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 21)
    Me.TxtReligion_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 22)
    Me.TxtAllergichx_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 23)
    Me.TxtMedications_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 24)

    ‘rConsent = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 25)
    ‘If rConsent = “Yes” Then
    ‘Me.OptConsentYes_PMR.Value = True
    ‘Me.OptConsentNo_PMR.Value = True
    ‘End If

    ‘Me.TxtFileNo_PMR.Value = Me.LstDatabase_PMR.List(Me.LstDatabase_PMR.ListIndex, 26)

    MsgBox “Please make the required changes and click the ‘save’ button to update.”, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, “Edit”

    End Sub

    I don’t know what else to do. Pls help.


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